Whether you’re looking for material for a job site or need a truckload delivered to your backyard, our materials division provides materials and services including:
Crushed Limestone, Washed Sand Products, Asphalt Concrete (Blacktop), Ready-Mix Concrete, Concrete Pumping, Precast Structures, Landscape Blocks, Quality Control, Agricultural Lime, and Portable Crushing and trucking services.
We produce asphalt for road base, binder, top course, and patching material, as well as specialty mixes, such as porous asphalt, warm mix, and NYSDOT Superpave. We’re proud to work with companies of all sizes on projects that connect our community.
Our ready-mix products are produced using aggregate from our own quarries. We know that every job has its own requirements, so we provide concrete in a variety of mixes to meet our customers’ needs, no matter how big or small the project may be.
Pallette Stone produces precast concrete products for road construction, industrial development, and residential projects. Materials are fabricated indoors, where critical variables such as mix design and temperature are closely monitored and controlled.