Design-Build Region 1 Bundled Bridges Project

Design-Build Region 1 Bundled Bridges Project

Warren, Washington, and Saratoga Counties



Demolition and replacement of five bridges across three counties in one 18-month construction period.


Project Scope:

The scope of this Design-Build project included the demolition and replacement of five bridges. This work involved the installation of 9,140 vertical feet of both driven H-piles and drilled micropiles, placement of 1,700 cubic yards of substructure concrete, installation of 400,000 lbs of reinforcing steel, and placement of 36,000 square feet of cast-in-place and precast bridge decks and approach slabs.

The work also involved the support of deep excavation in the Hudson River, Kayaderosseras Creek, and staged traffic lanes. This work was accomplished using driven steel sheeting, drilled soldier pile and lagging walls as well as pre-engineered trench boxes. These bridges were constructed using accelerated schedules and were constructed while maintaining traffic or utilizing short-term detours to minimize impacts to the traveling public.

KCC worked at up to three locations at one time and managed more than twelve subcontractors to complete the project within the 18 month construction period.