Middlebury Bridge and Rail Project

Middlebury Bridge and Rail Project

Middlebury, Vermont


Objective: Replaced existing bridges with a precast tunnel that can accommodate commuter rail traffic as well as double-stacked rail cars. The tunnel also eliminates the rail corridor that runs through the center of town to tie the town together with a new park and roads.


Project Scope:

This CMGC project was created with an overall project goal to upgrade and revitalize the freight and passenger rail capabilities between Rutland and Burlington, Vermont. KCC side by side with designer, VHB, and VAOT jointly planned, resourced, designed, estimated, and executed the removal and replacement of 3500 LF of rail within the City of Middlebury. This included replacing both Main and Merchant’s Row bridges and lowering the elevation of rail through the installation of a precast tunnel all through accelerated construction during a 10-week shutdown period.

The final contract included completion of extensive SOE of over 10,000 LF of mini piles, 30,000 SF of lagging, 2700 LF of tie backs, shotcrete, soil nails, and sheeting that allowed 28,600 CY cut in the existing rail corridor. Blasting was performed within the shutdown period to remove the large amount of bedrock and an extensive amount of contaminated soils were removed and disposed of as well. 1733 LF of precast U-wall and tunnel section made up of 422 pieces of precast were set into place, backfilled, and new railroad rail was placed back into operations in under 10 weeks. Other work performed during the shutdown included new full depth reconstruction of the surrounding roads, installation of 2 new bridge decks with cast-in-place parapets, and the installation of new surrounding sidewalks. Completion of the project later included the installation of a very large landscaping package including tree cells, plantings, pavers, fountain, light poles, and electrical supply, as well as other architectural finishes.



2022 Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute Design Winner: Transportation Award for Best Bridge with a Main Span up to 75 Feet

2020 Associated General Contractors of Vermont Best Builders Awards Winner: Heavy Industrial – New Construction Award


Installed new drainage structures capable of discharging the water below the new track elevation

Installed extensive support of excavation along the corridor in preparation for excavation

Existing Rail Removal

Blast bed rock

Excavate material to lower the elevation of the tracks as well as accommodate the larger precast

Precast tunnel and U-wall Installation

Backfill and level the surrounding area to create the new park and roadways

Installed Extensive Landscaping


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