Hudson River Troy Lock Miter Gate Replacement

Hudson River Troy Lock Miter Gate Replacement

Rensselaer County, New York


Objective: Miter gate replacement project on the Hudson River in Troy, New York.

Project Scope:

The D.A. Collins Construction team recently completed the replacement of four miter gates along the Hudson River. The gates originated in Alabama and we’re shipped up the coast, through NYC, and up the Hudson River to the site.

The two upstream gates measure approximately 26 ft. wide by 26′ tall and weighed approximately 35.5 Tons each leaf. The two downstream measure 26′ ft. wide by 40 ft. tall and weighed approximately 52.5 Tons each leaf.

This project included fabricating, testing, painting, delivering, and installing the four miter gates, and removing the existing gates, concrete work, and lock dewatering.

Rehabilitation of the lock chamber concrete surfaces is required to install seals, pintle assemblies, and miter gate anchorage assemblies. Additional work was required to perform final adjustment of the gate to ensure proper alignment.



Miter Gate Removals

Fabrication & Install New Miter Gates

Concrete Removal

Concrete Construction